Summary: Homeschool high school electives can include the fun of video making. Here is how we made our own homemade course, including #homeschoolelective curriculum and more. #homeschoolinghighschool is so much more than just core studies. This post may included affiliate links to products that we love and have used or would use in our homeschool, and click here for my disclosure policy.
Making things, doing arts and crafts, and photography were always big in our homeschool. And into the high school years, too. One year, my daughter wanted to try her hand at video-making.
This became a year long project, and offered many opportunities for creativity...writing scripts, story boarding, planning shots, and then making videos.
This became a year long project, and offered many opportunities for creativity...writing scripts, story boarding, planning shots, and then making videos.
And it helped to balance out her core studies, which focus so much on the head. It also gave us the time to encourage my teen to explore and develop her special interests, talents, and gifts.
Our Video Making Course
This post includes:
- Finding Equipment and software
-Three sample videos that my teen made
- Video Making Contests
- Assigning High School Credit
- A list of skills that my teen gained from this project
Our first step was to get the equipment and software that was needed.
Equipment and Software
1. A camera, which was a Nikon Coolpix S9100
2. Editing software - Pinnacle Studios 16, from ebay
3. Tripod (or ask a friend to help with filming)
Equipment and Software
1. A camera, which was a Nikon Coolpix S9100
2. Editing software - Pinnacle Studios 16, from ebay
3. Tripod (or ask a friend to help with filming)
Resources for Video-making
1. The Cutting Edge
A documentary about film editing, with examples, "clear explanations and clips from many ground breaking videos"
2. Behind the Scene Videos
There are 26,000 behind the scenes videos, on Vimeo, where she
learned about:
- filming technique
- sound production
- lighting
- set design
3. The Filmmaker's Handbook
This book is a guide to producing, directing, shooting, and
editing videos. She studied the steps of videomaking, including:
-writing a script
- doing a storyboard
- then planning for each shot.

I got to help with the filming....Click the link above to watch the video.
"The Golden Year" was a short video, telling the story of a princess who gave up her crown. My teen wrote this story last year, as a part of her writing studies .then turned it into a video.
When it was time to film, she asked a neighborhood friend to be the actress in it. This gave her practice in asking for help, coordinating with a friend, setting up filming times, etc.
Next, after spending more time working with her editing software,
my teen started a second video, which she called...
Video 2 -The Girl on the Carousel
Next, after spending more time working with her editing software,
my teen started a second video, which she called...
Video 2 -The Girl on the Carousel

This is a story of the girl pictured above, and how she met a friend
at the carousel. She took a number of weeks to plan this video.
at the carousel. She took a number of weeks to plan this video.
Then she and her friends spent three hours filming, one morning, creating forty frames.
It will be a 3 minute film. Then she decided to enter it into a contest, just for fun.
It will be a 3 minute film. Then she decided to enter it into a contest, just for fun.
After making her first two videos, my daughter spent some time watching shorts using the "Behind the Scenes" videos.
Next, my daughter heard about a video contest
offered by Oak Meadow, a homeschool curriculum publisher.
Video 3 - My Homeschooling Adventure
Next, my daughter heard about a video contest
offered by Oak Meadow, a homeschool curriculum publisher.
Video 3 - My Homeschooling Adventure

To get started, my teen just looked at her photos of her high school
activities and began by making a slide show. Then with the stills
chosen and complied, she worked them into a video and wrote up a
script. We are honored that Oak Meadow Publications put her
video on their site's high school page.
activities and began by making a slide show. Then with the stills
chosen and complied, she worked them into a video and wrote up a
script. We are honored that Oak Meadow Publications put her
video on their site's high school page.
Video-making Contests
Assigning high school credit
Assigning credit was easy using the Mastery method. Since she entered three videos and they were accepted in contests, that indicated a beginning level of mastery.
That is because she met the qualifications and rules for having her videos accepted into the contests.
That is because she met the qualifications and rules for having her videos accepted into the contests.
Skills Gained from Video-Making
1. organizational skills - important for college or any vocation
2. assertiveness - by approaching friends to act
3. practice in asking for help
4. cooperation and work skills- working with friends
5. practice in following specific requirements for the contests
Are you homeschooling high school or thinking about doing that?
Homeschooling High School with College in Mind - 2nd edition,
Amazon for $11.99
Kindle is on Amazon also.
Amazon for $11.99
Kindle is on Amazon also.
Are you considering homeschooling your teen or are you already doing that? Many of us considering high school feel overwhelmed with all the details that can be involved.
Transcripts, GPA, assigning high school credit, course descriptions, etc. It can feel daunting. And that is why many families are leery of taking on high school at home. So after homeschooling my dear daughter through high school, I put together a guide, full of all those important details for high school.
I want to encourage families to homeschool their teens, and get the benefits that we got doing that, for my daughter and for our family. My book makes your planning easy. With it in hand, you can concentrate on making the high school years at home nurturing and rich.
Thanks for stopping by BJ's Homeschool,
Betsy is mom to her now college grad, whom she homeschooled through high school. She blogs at BJ's Homeschool, about the early years, highschool,
college, gifted/2e and wrote -Homeschooling High School with College in Mind, 2nd Edition, She offers homeschool help through messages at BJ's Consulting, and has had some of her articles picked up by the Huffington Post.
college, gifted/2e and wrote -Homeschooling High School with College in Mind, 2nd Edition, She offers homeschool help through messages at BJ's Consulting, and has had some of her articles picked up by the Huffington Post.
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