Life School Your College Bound Teen

Summary:  Life schooling added so much to our homeschool.  It allowed us to follow our child's and teen's interests, helping her to find her gifts and even decide her college major! Life schooling, that is what it is all about! #homeschoolinghighschool #lifeschooling #homeschool #getintocollege

We believe in life schooling. That is one of the reasons that we decided to homeschool.

Through natural activities, we helped our daughter followed her interests and, over the years, find her own unique gifts.

Even in high school, we did life schooling.  

Through high school activities and high school electives, my daughter explored her interests, which even led to her decision re her major in college!

  • to do lots of teen-led learning!
  • make your own homemade courses
  • do lots of high school electives
  • and activities!

Did you know that you do not have to do the public school graduation requirements?  As homeschoolers, we have a lot more leeway.

We just have to follow our state homeschool regs, and most states leave that up to the parent to decide for the most part.

More on that, and college admssions is in my book below, which is offered as a KINDLE GIVEAWAY below.

But first, let's talk life schooling!


In the early years, our daughter was all about art and making things.
Painting, fingerpainting and making things with cardboard and tape were her favorites. 

And that helped her handwriting, by developing her small muscle skills.

Our little one was always dancing around the house and soon asking for a ballet class, like she saw her friends attending. 

She was a shy one, so we thought a little dance class might help her develop her social skills and confidence.

Through ballet, she learned to follow directions, make friends, and yes, develope confidence, too.


We were always at the library, going to read-alouds there and such.  My daughter always chose her books herself.

She loved to pick out books about animals and other science topics.

And she still loved making things! So, after field trips, she often made something out of cardboard, to share with her dad.

One time we went to a local country fair.

Afterwards, she made this structure, to the left, showing all the fun rides there.

And at that fair, we found a children's contest that my daughter wanted to enter.  It was mostly for art, crafts, baking, etc. 

Did you know that many states have these contests at their state fairs, or through 4H?  

Country fair contests often include competitions even through high school in:

  •  animal care
  •  cooking
  •  art
  • writing
  • poetry
  • photography
  • and even knitting.  

My daughter continued with this fair all the way through high school.  She loved it because of the competition and earning awards for her work.  Life schooling....


In the middle school years, my daughter entered a lot of different contests at the country fair, like photography, baking, and even middle school homeschool writing 

Then one year she  entered a knitting contest. 

In that contest, the kids competed to see how could knit the fastest. 

To do this, they were up in front of an audience.

Would our shy daughter want to do that?  She did!

This was a real surprise to us.  It led to her reading her poem aloud, the next year.

Through this country fair contest, my daughter learning that she liked public speaking!  

Little did I know that she would want more. 


My daughter loved science, especially at co-op.  One year, her science teacher asked her if she would like to help teach the class.

She jumped at the chance!   

She learned that she liked talking in front of the group as she helped in that class.

Then in 10th grade, when we were studying government in our homeschool, she heard about a program called Youth and Government.

Did you know that most states have a Youth and Government program, through their YMCA?

It is an activity that teaches speech, debate and state governments.  

They act as if they are legislators and learn all about that, by acting it out!  

Speech and debate is so great for our teens.  More on that is here.

And that is a great way to show leadership in college applications!

Following our daughter's interests through life schooling even helped her decide on her college major!

She decided to study Communications in college.

What do you think your teen may want to study in college?  


Get your FREE PDF
full of tips and articles on 

Don't miss this High School FREEBIE: 

FREEBIE includes top articles on:
  • Frugal High School Curriculum
  • Graduation Requirements
  • 100 Best High School Resources
  • Nature Study for Teens
  • Favorites for High School Math
  • Teaching Textbooks vs Monarch
  • Make Your Own English Course
  • and more!
I helped my daughter get into each of the colleges that she applied to and my book tells you how to deal with college admissions.

  • what is needed for college admissions
  • homeschool transcripts
  • assigning high school credits
  • make your own homemade courses
  • scholarships
  • my Common Application guide
  • reference letters
  • course descriptions
  • lots more.
Are you homeschooling a strong will teen?  That can be a challenge.  My friend, Vicki from 7 Sisters Homeschool has lots of ideas for that in her post Homeschooling a Strong Willed Teen.   

Thanks for stopping by BJ's Homeschool,


Betsy is mom to her now college grad daughter, whom she homeschooled since she was in K. 

She blogs at BJ's Homeschool, about the early yearshighschool

She shares on  Facebookpins at BJ's Homeschool Pinterest.  You can also reach her on BJ's Twitterand she hosts an encouraging High School Facebook Group.

NOTE: All Rights Reserved @ BJ's Homeschool Revised 2021

How Homeschooling Helped Our Teen Make Dean's List

Summary:  Do you worry that your homeschooled teen would not be able to get into college?  How homeschooling helped our daughter not only get into college, but also do well there.  We use aff links only for products we used or love for our homeschool.

Are you considering homeschooling your college bound teen, but wondering  if they could get into college? 

Do you ever ask yourself, like I did, these sorts of questions...….
  • Will my teen be ready for college level work?  
  • Will they be able to compete with other students, whether public schooler or those from private schools?
  • Can I find the homeschool curriculum that they will need for college prep

I did worry about those things at first.  

But after seeing our daughter do well in her first quarter of college, getting onto Dean's List (who knew?), I began to wonder why I worried so much.

It is not hard to get into college as a homeschool grad!  Some colleges are even starting to recruit homeschooled applicants.  They want those self motivated teens who know how to find the answers to their questions and know where to look.  

And do so independently.

Our daughter graduated college, after studying for 4 years there.  She developed an interest in political science in high school, and that lead to a minor in that along with a B.A. in Communications.  And she loved it.

We credit homeschooling for not only helping our daughter get into college, but also making Dean's List. 

Here’s 7 ways that it did:

1.  Homeschooling can best meet your teen's individual learning needs.

Homeschooling created an environment that nurtured and prepared our daughter well for college.  It gave us the flexibility to not only challenge her intellectually, but also explore and find ways to accommodate forany learning issues, early on.

If she had been in public or private school, she would have been faced with learning most everything through listening to the teacher, in front of the class. 

 That would not have worked for our daughter.  And if she was tested, with only verbal directions, she would have failed.  In homeschooling, we used visual and tactile (hands-on) approaches, and she loved learning and excelled in it.  

 You get to choose the homeschool high school curriculum that fits your teen's needs.  Some of our favorites include:
As a homeschooler, she was able to learn in the way that she liked best. That is just the tip of the iceberg.

2. Homeschooling builds confidence by providing a strong foundation, and a soft place to fall, so crucial for kids, during the teen years.  

Nothing like knowing that a cozy home is a waiting our teens, when they just finished a difficult day at their part time job, a new activity, or just finished up with the ACT test. 

 She was well rested and able to focus on her test prep.  Later, in college, she is still taking advantage of this, as she commutes to campus.

3.  The 1 on 1 focus of homeschooling catches any learning gaps.

As homeschoolers, we can review, go back, switch up our curricula, or even add another year of high school, if that would help our teen.  

My daughter benefited from the freedom to switch curricula or approaches when needed, gearing our homeschooling to her strengths.  She was a visual learner, and we could set up her learning to focus on that, as opposed to auditory learning, and that made all the difference for her.

She could work ahead on some subjects, take extra time for others. It allowed us to accommodate for her sensory issues easily, day to day. 

4.  Homeschooling allows for time to build special gifts and foster and grow your teen's interests.  

Following their interests motivates our teens so much, even for doing the less interesting work that would be required for their chosen field of study. 

Helping our kids discover their inner-most gifts and interests, not only helps them grow, it also creates strong motivation for them to learn, study those things that will help them in the future.

When my daughter wanted to try her hand at becoming a leader, we found activities that would foster those skills. 

Homeschooling gave her the time, and the resources, to pursue her interests in leadership.  And when my daughter applied to her college honors leadership program, her high school activities helped her get accepted.  

5.  Interest-led learning produces motivated, self-starters.  

Encouraging their interests builds self starters!  That is just what many colleges are looking for, motivated and independent learners,and those are things that makes a college student succeed.

6.  Homeschooling teaches self management skills

Homeschoolers learn how to organize their studies, plan their days, and prioritize what needs to be done first, etc....... all skills that are essential to success in college or a new vocation.

My teen even took our workboxing organization style with her to college!  Organizational skills learned at home were key to her success in her freshman classes at college.

7.  Homeschooling teaches problem solving and researching skills

My daughter watched me search and choose homeschool curriculum each year.  During homeschool, she had often seen me search for resources, as we chose curricula, searched for a dance class, or surfed the net for help in algebra, from Khan Academy.  

Through the years she learned how to problem solve and research things for herself, as she did that every day in our homeschool.

When faced with a difficult class in college, she put her problem solving skills to work.

So her first thought, when faced with this difficult college math 
class was not how she could find a way to drop it.  It was, instead, a question to be answered - What resource would help me to deal with this?

She came to me and we worked out a plan together.  She completed the class and did well in it.  Homeschooling taught her the problem solving skills to do that.  

Those are my top 7 reasons why homeschooling prepares our teens well for college.  What would you add to this list?  

I helped my teen get into each of the colleges that she applied to with scholarship offers. Then I wrote this book which tells you how to do the college admissions process.  Plus the details that you will need re transcripts, etc. It was featured at the 2021 Homeschool Superheroes Conference.

Ebook/Paperback On Amazon 

Thanks for stopping by BJ's Homeschool,



Betsy is a Christian and mom to her college grad whom she homeschooled from the early years onward.  She blogs at BJ's Homeschool, about the early yearshigh school & college and wrote Homeschooling High School with College in Mind, 2nd edition.   She offers homeschool help through BJ's Consulting. 

Follow her on Pinterest or Facebook for more on high school and college plus frugal resources.

Copyright @ BJ's Homeschool 2022

All Rights Reserved

How to Help Your Homeschooled Teen Get into College in 6 Easy Steps

Summary:  How to plan your homeschool for your high schooler for college bound.  A simple tutorial of 6 steps, #homeschoolhighschool #getintocollege

Do you have a teen in your house who wants to go onto college? Do you worry whether they could still get into college with their homeschool transcript?

The answer to that is YES, they could!  

Colleges all around the U.S. are accepting homeschooled applicants with their homeschool transcript.

But, then do I have to use accredited high school curriculum?  

The answer to that is no, you do not.  We can use our homeschool curriculum choices, as we are used to doing.

My own daughter got accepted with her homeschool transcript, to each of the colleges that she applied to with scholarship offers.

What are the key steps for going from homeschooling high school to college? 

Today I am sharing 5 important steps and things to know about for going from homeschool to college, including:

  • 1.  College Admissions Requirements
  • 2.  Homeschool Requirements?
  • 3.  High School Electives
  • 4.  Overall Homeschool High School Plan
  • 5.  SAT/ACT Testing
  • 6.  Homeschool Transcripts

Let's start at the beginning.  What are college admissions requirements are where can you find them?

1.  Know your teen's College Admissions Requirements

Each college has their own admission requirements.  

The easy way to find them is to google your teen's likely colleges.

We began by researching the college websites, for likely colleges that my daughter might be interested to attend.  ccccccccc

How do you pick their likely colleges? We just made our best guesses as to likely colleges for my daughter.

Then we looked up those college websites and search for their requirements.

Specifically their: Freshman College Admission Requirements. 

You will see them listed on each of the college websites, and they are easy to find!

Choose 3 or 4 likely colleges and then just make a note of their requirements.  For recording your teen's college requirements, you can make a simple form.

 Instead you could use my planning printables that are included in my book, called Homeschooling High School with College in Mind, 2nd edition.  

The next step is also not complicated.

2.  Check for any Homeschool Requirements 

It is possible that your teen's likely colleges may have extra requirements for homeschoolers.  

Many colleges used to have extra requirements for homeschooled applicants.  Such as extra testing.  But now most have dropped them.

 Just in case, I advise you to take a minute and:

Search for "Homeschool admission requirements" for each college website you look at. 

Now that you have done step 1 and step 2 above, you are ready to make your overall high school homeschool plan.

3.  Making Your overall High School Plan

The purpose of making an overall homeschool high school plan is just to be sure that
your teen gets their college requirements done.

With your list of likely admission requirements in hand, you can sketch out what our high school years might look like.....with your best guesses of what we wanted to do when. 

The idea is just to sketch out your teen's likely high school homeschool courses, based on their college requirements.

Next, you and your teen can think about adding in some homeschool high school electives.

4.  High School Electives

Homeschooling allows ample time for our teens to explore their interests and develop their God given talents.

And that becomes their high school electives!

Oh, the FUN of high school electives!  My daughter loved her high school elecitves, including:
  • art
  • photography
  • dance classes
  • and learning how to do video production as one of her electives.

I loved being a part of that, too!  Homeschool high school electives can even help your teen get into college.  My list of 100 High School Electives is in my book mentioned below.

 And electives give balance to their study schedules....especially during test-prep time.  
That is our next topic.

5.  SAT/ACT/ or CLT Testing

Another important step is to do the ACT, SAT, or maybe the CLT testing.

Colleges require one of these tests from each of their applicants. 

The good news is that your teen's testing scores can also help them qualify for college scholarships!

I also have resources for SAT and ACT test prep in my book mentioned below.

Most colleges use either the SAT or the ACT to judge students for their college merit scholarships.  College sponsored scholarships is the best way to get funding for your teen's tuition.

6.  Making your Homeschool Transcripts

As a homeschooler, we always hear about homeschool transcripts.  But what actually is a homeschool transcript?

It really is just a document or an organized list of courses that your teen completed during their high school at home.

There are many sample homeschool transcripts online.  What is to be included in these transcripts?  The basics include:

  • Your teen's completed courses
  • Their grades
  • How many credits they earned
  • The name of your homeschool
  • Your signature

Homeschooling to college allowed us plenty of time to do fun and meaningful homeschool high school electives.  

Plus have plenty of family time along the way.  

My mission is to encourage and equip moms who come after me, so that they can enjoy the benefits of homeschooling high school, as my family did.  

Kindle is on Amazon 
Also FREE to read on Prime

I invite you to follow me on BJ's Homeschool Pinterest to keep up to date on high school and college.

Thanks for stopping by BJ's Homeschool,

Betsy is a Christian and mom to her college grad whom she and her husband homeschooled starting from the early years. She blogs at BJ's Homeschooland wrote 

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