Our Frugal Homeschool High School Math Sequence and the SAT/ACT

Summary:  Our homeschool high school math curriculum choices and how we did our math sequence in high school.  How and when to plan for SAT or ACT testing depending on what math your teen has completed.  Tips for teens who are headed into a math related field and more.  Homeschooler tips for college testing included.

Math was something that my teen did everyday in our homeschool.  Especially during the high school years.  Is that how it goes in your house, too?

We found that Switched On Schoolhouse Homeschool Math (SOS) which is similar to Monarch, met our daughter's needs for math better than Teaching Textbooks.  (But many families love TT.)  Monarch had the structured and depth to help my daughter retain what she had learned.

But what did our math sequence look like?

Now, this is just how we did it in our homeschool.  The benefit of homeschooling is that you can set up your high school courses in your own way, to meet your teen's needs.

Did you know we don't have to follow the public school graduation requirements?  All we have to do is to follow our state's homeschool regulations.

And if your teen is headed to college, their freshman entrance requirements.  That is discussed in depth below, in my book mentioned there.


Prealgebra - 8th grade
Saxon Math 

Algebra 1- 9th grade - 
Teaching Textbooks

Geometry - 10th grade  - 

Algebra 2 - 11th grade - 

12th grade  -

Statistics or Math 
related Science - or Pre-Calculus

Some colleges only ask for 3 years of math, meaning that your teen then would not need to do Pre-Calculus or something else extra in math during senior year.  

My teen was not planning to go into a math related major in college so she did not have as many requirements as those teens would have. Teens going into a computer, economics or math related field at a 4 year college will need more math in high school most likely.


If your teen is going into a math related major, they will likely be required to do more math in high school.

Math/Science/Tech Majors: 

Their typical sequence might go like this:

9th Algebra 1
10th Geometry
11th  Algebra 2
12th  Pre-Calculus, then a semester of Calculus

Sometimes teens going into Law or Business will also be asked to do extras, like Pre-Calculus.  BUT there might be more or a different list of requirements, so please check with your likely colleges.  More on researching the colleges is in my book below.


If you use Saxon through high school, your sequence would look like this:

9th Grade - Algebra 1
10th Grade - Algebra 2 (includes 1/2 year of Geometry)
11th Grade - Advanced Mathematics (with the rest of Geometry
12th Grade - Pre-Calculus (if needed for your teen's college admissions)

After finishing Algebra 2 using Saxon, your teen should be ready to take the SAT or the ACT test as far as math is concerned.

How does this math sequence relate to college testing?


Most teens will get enough math concepts to take the SAT after completing Geometry.  But some concepts on the SAT or ACT come from Algebra 2.  

We decided to do the SAT and did the following sequence:

10th PSAT for practice
11th FALL - PSAT to try for the National Merit Scholarship
12th FALL - Retake the SAT

Your sequence could be similar or entirely different.  SAT or ACT testing usually needs to be completed by fall quarter of senior year, so that test scores can go to the colleges along with your teen's application.  

Redoing it in the fall of 12th grade meant that our teen had completed Algebra 2 which was a real help for her.  She also had the practice of having done it once before.


Students going into a community college have more leeway for math during high school, unless they are going into a specific math, science, or engineering program.  (Those students would have specific requirements most like.)  

Most teens going into Community College however, would usually need to do some Algebra and Geometry in high school.

But as far as testing, they typically would only need to take the entrance testing on the community college's campus.  They often would not need to bother with the SAT/ACT.  

If your teen does not get a high enough score on their Community College entrance testing, there are helpful things usually offered to them.  Instead of beginning with college level math, the community college would typically requires them to do some math review courses.  Then move into college level math when they are ready. 

Other Homeschool High School Math Curriculum that we considered:

We checked out The Curriculum Choice for a reviews of:

- No-Nonsense Algebra,
- Video Text Interactive
- Lifepacks
- Math You See
- A Beka

There are so many quality homeschool math programs out there.  I hope this article on our math sequence and our homeschool math curriculum choices will be a help to you.  My best to you and your teen.

Transcripts, GPA, assigning high school credit, etc, it can feel daunting.  And that is why many families are leery of taking on high school at home.

Transcripts, GPA, assigning high school credit, etc, it can feel daunting.  

And that is why many families are leery of taking on high school at home.

After homeschooling my daughter through high school, I put together a guide which has been part of the Homeschool Superheroes Conference for 2 years. 

We all want to help our teens grow and give them the important guidance and encouragement as they grow into young adulthood.

With Downloadable High School Planning Printables

For more info: please click here Homeschooling High School with College in Mind - 2nd Edition

Thanks for stopping by BJ's Homeschool,

Betsy is mom to her now college grad, whom she homeschooled through high school.  She blogs at BJ's Homeschool, about the early yearshighschool
collegegifted/2e and wrote -Homeschooling High School with College in Mind, 2nd Edition,   She offers homeschool help through messages at BJ's Consulting and has had some of her articles picked up by the Huffington Post.

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