My Favorite High School Curriculum & Resources - and some for College, too!

How to homeschool high school and also help them get into college, if desired.  Tutorials on how to homeschool your teen.  #homeschoolhighschool #planninghighschool

Is homeschooling high school hard?  

Yes, in some ways, it is. Just because it involves more planning and record keeping, and such. 

Are you thinking about homeschooling all the way through high school, or are already doing that?   

Sharing today, my favorite resources for high school ----that really helped us to not only get high school done, but also find the fun and joy in it all.   

But with the right resources and tips, it doesn't have to be that hard. And we are so glad that we went all the way.  It gave our teen time to figure out who she was, and to discover her own gifts. 

Are you looking for high school planning help?

Our Favorites for US History and how we made it 
into our own course, with a few frugal resources.

This now includes a high school helps freebie!  

Our Homemade Course in Video-Making
Lots of fun and easy to put together.

Lots of ideas for bird watching activities for teens, and how to make them into a high school elective, if you like.

How my kiddo found that she wanted to become a leader, including lots of leadership activity ideas for yours.

Favorite living lit curriculum is Oak Meadow, and here is how it helped my daughter to develop strong essay writing skills, and dive deep into literature.

-and goal setting tips, too.

Homeschooling high school is so much more than just core studies....with resources for finding a homeschool prom for your teen.

 Preparing my heart for Graduation and then all the fun of watching her take on college the next year...Folks, it only gets better, seeing how your child has benefitted from homeschooling, in their lives.

 Here's how we celebrated, with lots of ideas for your teen... and links and resources to find events in your state.


Homeschooling prepares our kids so well for college.  

They go in knowing how to research, organize their studies and with a motivation that many other college students lack. This is based  on my own teen's experiences, and her observations on campus.  

I was nervous as she entered college, then she came back to me with honors grades.  Why did I worry so?  We really don't need to!  And colleges are becoming so homeschool friendly, too. 

My always homeschooled daughter was accepted to all of the colleges on her list, with scholarship offers.  And it wasn't hard to do. We were able to keep own homeschooling style along the way. 

Going from Homeschool to College - This is Our Story

It lays out 10 easy steps for homeschool to college, with 7 NEW chapters. Recommended by Lessa Scherrer, a certified college counselor and a homeschooling mama of 3.

Create your own unique and nurturing high school program for your teen and showcase their accomplishments to the colleges. 

The 17 Chapters include:

>Chapter 1 - How to Start Homeschooling if you are a Newbie
>Chapter 2 - 101 Reasons to Homeschool High School
>Chapter 3 - Researching and Getting Started
  Chapter 4 - Planning High School and Making a 4 Year Plan
>Chapter 5 - Choosing Your High School Curriculum
>Chapter 6 - Three Ways to High School Credit
>Chapter 7 - Making Your Teen's Transcripts
>Chapter 8 - 100 High School Electives
>Chapter 9 - Making Homemade Courses
>Chapter 10 - Writing a Winning College Essay
>Chapter 11 - Course Descriptions and Reference Letters
>Chapter 12 - The Common Application - Your GUIDE
>Chapter 13 - Preparing Your Teen for College Writing
>Chapter 14 - Dealing with College Testing SAT/ACT
>Chapter 15 - Top Sources for College Scholarships
>Chapter 16 - Dealing with “Those Questions” from Others
>Chapter 17 - Don’t Forget the FUN!

Thanks for stopping by BJ's Homeschool,

Betsy is mom to her now college grad, whom she homeschooled through high school.  She blogs at BJ's Homeschool, about the early yearshighschool
collegegifted/2e and wrote -Homeschooling High School with College in Mind, 2nd Edition,   She offers homeschool help through messages at BJ's Consulting and has had some of her articles picked up by the Huffington Post.

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Just encouragement for your homeschool in your inbox.

Copyright @ BJ's Homeschool, 2018
Revised 2020
All Rights Reserved

Elementary Homeschooling Resources

Frugal homeschool curriculum resources for homeschooling preschool/K, and the wondrous elementary years.  

Sharing today, my favorite resources for preschool/k, elementary, and more, and how we used them with our own daughter.  

I hope this is a help for those of you who are looking around for new ideas and resources for your kids.  Let's start with hands-on learning resources that we loved for preschool/K:


 "Here's what we did for those precious early years, and how we had fun doing it, with curriculum ideas and more..." 

 Preschool/K - Early Language Arts...including phonics, reading and pre-handwriting

  Preschool/K - Early Math... hands-on learning fun. daughter's favorite things to do for preschool/K science/nature study. 

second page for birthday book for betsy's review

Encouraging your Littlest Author - It all starts with art, painting or drawing a picture, then adding words to the page.  Helping very young ones express themselves in writing, or copywork.

Our Favorite Books about Birdwatching - PreK - Elementary


- Favorites for Elementary
-Handwriting Helps 
- Tips for ADHD, and Sensory Issues

1.  Elementary Resources

Best Amazon Finds for Hands-On Learning

Learn to Read/Improve Reading with Explode the Code

The Art of Simple Book Making - Your Child is an Author
How to encourage story telling in your young child.

Elementary Science in our Homeschool 
 Child-Led and Hands-On 

  Nature/science studies for your kids, on a variety of topics, including animals, earth, plants, rocks and fossils, habitats, etc, with easy to do experiments that teach STEM.

Helping Your Kiddos with Friendship (This was written for kids with Aspergers)

Birdwatching - Nature Study 

 This post is all about birdwatching, with photos of birds in our area, and  resources to help you incorporate STEM into your day...

Our Favorites for US History

Science FUN in the Garden - Let's grow some veggies! with Printables

 A complete curriculum, that is creative and full of hands on activities, with lots of art, and resources for every subject.

Oak Meadow Review - Complete Fifth Grade Package

"Oak Meadow strives to reach the child...head, hands and heart, with it's creative, project-oriented approach, similar to charlotte mason in many ways"

How we did Spelling in our Homeschool - including tips for 
struggling spellers.

Lions, Tigers, and Testing, Oh, My! - There are so many ways to approach testing for your child.  Here is how we struggled with it.  Our state required annual testing.

My main focus for writing, during the early elementary years was to help my daughter become comfortable with the written word.  This simple series was a big help.

Twice Exceptional Resources

 Here is how we went about homeschooling her during the early years.  (She is in college now, be encouraged.)

Tips for working with kids with ADHD, including setting up your day, direction following for your kiddo, and sensory activities to help with it all.

reading c ards

...sharing our curricula choices for our nephew, PreK/first grade, with gifted, 2e (ADHD)

What else would you add to this list? 

Thanks for stopping by BJ's Homeschool,


Betsy is mom to her now college junior, whom she homeschooled from preK through high school.  She blogs at BJ's Homeschool, about the early yearshigh school & college and wrote - Homeschooling High School with College in Mind.   She offers free homeschool help through messages at BJ's Consulting. 

Want to stay in touch?  
This post was shared on my favorite linkups here.
Copyright, Revised 2020, All Rights Reserved

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